Account process

Does it cost to make a tradie account?

No, we let you decide when you want to accept a job and when you do, that’s when you can enter your credit card and pay.

How is my trade company seen by the potential client?

When you sign up, we ask you to enter your servicing locations, so when a client selects your company to do their job the tradesman is always local.

Cost effected

Does it cost to stay listed as a tradie on Fixezi App?

No, it will not cost you anything unless you accept a job, there are 2 types of payment plans, 1st is pay per job, this means you pay for every job you accept-This plan has refunds on cancelled jobs and quotes. The 2nd is a subscription model, and you can select the price according to number of jobs per plan-Subscription plans do not have refunds on cancelled job and quotes.

How to get service

How do I select a trades Person?

Once you register via sign up as a user (I.e. a client), you can then login with that account. Next, select a trade, a problem, Date/Time, you can tell the tradie if you have any other job requests, then select ‘Find tradie’ this will show all local trades on Fixezi App that work in your area.

User account process

Does it cost to make a user account, so I can book a tradie?

No, it free to make a user account.
